Testimonials for Katrina Boyd

Katrina Boyd Kats4Dogs Sunshine Coast

Peppa, from over excited to calm and stable!

We have an Aussie Bulldog, Peppa, who is just over a year old.

When Peppa was about six (6) months, we sought Katrina’s help. At the time, we had no control over Peppa, at home or out in public. At home, she chewed EVERYTHING, was frequently soiling inside the house, and very excited around the kids. She also cried ALOT in the morning, in her crate, to be let out/company. This would start anywhere from 5am.

To avoid waking the kids, I would take her down to the beach. Once she got there, she would take off and go nuts with the other dogs, which I thought was great, as she was getting her “exercise” and having an awesome time with her “friends”. Getting her to come back when it was time to go home would often take a while, as she would not listen.

She was also very boisterous in her play with other dogs, which often resulted in her getting told off by the dog itself, or the dog’s owner. It was all so chaotic! Even walking her on the lead was difficult, as she pulled a lot.

Katrina visited us at home and explained that Peppa’s behaviour was the result of lack of boundaries AT HOME. I was treating her like a human and not like a dog.

Peppa was also massively itchy during this period. She was red pretty much all over her body. When Katrina saw her, she immediately commented that the redness/rash was not due to any allergy, but stress. I

have to admit, at the time, and for a long time, I did not believe Katrina. How could Peppa be stressed?! She is so loved at home. We give her everything.

Now, 6 months later, Peppa’s rash has cleared COMPLETELY. It’s amazing.

I can now manage and control Peppa’s excitement.Initially, when she got very excited, she would get tied up or put in her pen/crate. Now, I just keep her on the deck, so she can’t run mad in the garden. She gets the message pretty quick.

When she is calm, I let her back out in the yard. Sometimes, just even ignoring her and going inside is all I need to do when she gets too excited/anxious.

She is also very respectful around the kids. Sometimes, she gets in their space, and all I have to say is her name, firmly, and she moves away.

Whilst I still take her to the beach, it is very structured. We have a toy that she fetches. Her focus is all on me. Only at the end of our time at the beach, if there are other dogs, who are interested in playing, I will let her play, but if she or the other dog gets dominant, I will remove her from the situation.

It has definitely been a journey of self-reflection, as it wasn’t Peppa that needed to change, it was ME.

Katrina has taught me that Peppa NEEDS to have discipline and structure in order to be well-balanced and calm. It is work that I have to do every day, with Peppa, but it is so worth it when I have a dog that is respectful and well-behaved.

Thank you, Katrina, for everything you have done for our family xx

Dhanya – Sunrise Beach

Kat’s 4 Dogs Dog Training and Behavioural Specialist Sunshine Coast


Katrina Boyd Kats4Dogs Sunshine Coast - Leo


Leo, the border collie – Katrina Boyd Testimonials

What a year! From the very start Leo was a massive handful. Super smart but very reactive. He is both highly sensitive to visual and auditory stimulation. The faster something moves, the more sound it makes the more he wanted to round it up/chase it!

He could not let one car, truck, bus, bike, scooter, dog or anything that made a noise yep even an elderly person with a walker go past without a major reaction! Fun when all you feel like is a nice relaxing coffee! All of these things also made Leo a massive handful on a lead!

Katrina worked with us from the start at puppy school. Katrina was always there when we needed her and her methods not only work they have your dogs welfare and happiness as a foundation.

Katrina over the last year has not only worked on Leo but on us as leaders. She has helped us create a calm assertive presence that Leo has responded to extremely well. Leo is now one year old and to see him today compared to what he was like is nothing short of amazing!

We cannot thank Katrina from Kat’s 4 Dogs enough for all her dedication to us and Leo. I can honestly say it is a great testament to her knowledge, skills, and patience to see the wonderful results.

– Scott and Sam – Sunshine Beach

Kat’s 4 Dogs Dog Training and Behavioural Specialist Sunshine Coast

Katrina Boyd Kats4Dogs Sunshine Coast betty-and-squirt

Squirt & Betty have truly been rescued!!

Amazing!!! is how I would describe Katrina from Kat’s 4 Dogs. I initially rang Katrina to get help with my rescued ex-racing greyhound Squirt as he was pulling on lead, whining and getting over excited around other dogs and people on our walks.

Katrina explained her service takes a holistic approach to the dog and its environment so she came to us for a home visit. A few hours later, Katrina had a plan in place for Squirt, our second greyhound rescue Betty and most importantly for my husband and I to address their behaviour.

In just a few days, with a few simple changes in OUR behaviour and mindset, we noticed a big difference in our hounds. Betty and Squirt were much calmer, and we got the lounge (well the whole house to be honest!!!) back that the hounds had completely taken over.

During my second session with Katrina, we walked along the river with Squirt. Katrina was able to explain to me why Squirt was behaving as he was, and showed me several methods to keep him calm and focused.

She was also able to pick up on tension that I didn’t even realise I was experiencing when walking Squirt, and gave me some tips on how to ensure both of us had a relaxed walk.

Only a few walks later, Squirt has improved dramatically and so has my confidence — we have even been to a busy café where Squirt behaved like a perfect gentleman and patrons commented on how calm he was!

Thank you so much Katrina — we now have two much calmer, happier hounds (and humans) that respect us, and we are developing a much more rewarding relationship with our dogs.

You have helped us to realise that feeling sorry for your dog because of their past, and showering them with attention is not really loving them … setting rules and boundaries and gaining their respect and trust is what it is all about.

The results we have seen from your methods have been incredible and will only get better as we continue to work with Betty and Squirt. Like you said, now we have truly rescued our dogs!

If you are looking for someone to help you to have a happy, healthy, well behaved dog, I can highly recommend Katrina from Kat’s 4 Dogs.

– Shaunagh Wood – Doonan

Kat’s 4 Dogs Dog Training and Behavioural Specialist Sunshine Coast


Katrina Boyd Kats4Dogs Sunshine Coast maree-and-brad

Roxy – Katrina Boyd Testimonials

Kat’s insight into dog behaviour and that of their humans has been of great benefit to our family of five (three humans and two dogs).

We contacted Kat concerned about our previously submissive cattle dog pup developing what we considered to be aggressive behaviours towards other dogs and people coming to our front door.

Kat observed our family in action and asked us a lot of questions. Her suggestion that our dog had no self-esteem, no self-confidence and was fearful rather than aggressive surprised us.

While we were meeting our dog’s diet and exercise requirements, we were not giving her overactive mind enough to think about.

After one session with Kat and by implementing the changes she recommended we make in our home (all simple to do), we noticed an immediate improvement. Both our dogs have reacted positively to the changes. Although it is a process rather than a “quick fix”, Kat’s advice has given us concrete steps to take to address our problems and the belief that success is achievable.

What has been most worthwhile for me is understanding that my own perceptions of what my dogs needed to feel loved and happy needed to be changed.

We are all so grateful for Kat’s expertise and deep understanding of what dogs need to function at their best and what we need to know in order to help them do that. Our beautiful red cattle dog is deserving of Kat’s help. We knew she was a gorgeous dog but Kat has helped us help her to develop her unbelievable potential and she is blossoming into a confident, well-behaved, eager to please dog and our respect for her has grown immensely.

The classes at Kat’s dog school provided the best opportunity for Roxy to expand her learning in a safe, supportive environment and Roxy’s success has astounded us. This is the best investment we have made in our dogs and we are very grateful to have found Kat.

– Maree Bowen – Peregian Springs

Kat’s 4 Dogs Dog Training and Behavioural Specialist Sunshine Coast